🚦 Anti-Contact Communities
- 💛 Virtuous Pedophiles – A forum for paedophiles who are fundamentally against child-adult sex.
- VirPed Resources – We are pedophiles against adult-child sexual contact and online child exploitation. We support others like us.
- 💛 MAP Support Club – A chat-based community for anti-contact MAPs (ages 13+) to receive support and find understanding among peers.
- MSC Resources – Links to MAP related video documentaries, podcasts, Amazon books, research studies, and blogs.
- 🇫🇷French
MAP Support Chat FRWayback Machine – Un espace ouvert aux personnes qui ont des attirances pour les enfants mais ne souhaitent pas passer à l"acte, afin de discuter et s"entraider. - MAP Resources – Information and links to MAP-related resources by Elliot Porter.
- 💛🐘 Non Normative Identities Alliance – A group for marginalised and stigmatised demographics and MAP-friendly fediverse instance.
- Pedofur Resources (onion) – Links and information related to minor attraction and more.
- MAP Wiki (onion) – MAP Wiki is a resource for maps, allies, and other interested people. Its main purpose is preserving information about minor attraction, defining map terminology and describing relevant figures and events.
- 💛
Matt ResourcesWayback Machine – A blog by a map that had a porn use problem. With links to contact details of people to speak to, when the need to just satisfy the urge is too great. - 💛🇩🇪German Gemeinsam statt allein – Es ist öffentlich und für jeden zugänglich, der sich mit dem Thema der Pädophilie auseinandersetzen will oder muss.
- 💛🇳🇱Dutch Pedofilie – Pedofilie.nl is er voor en dóór mensen met pedofiele gevoelens die snappen dat seksueel contact met kinderen niet kan.
- 💛🇳🇱Dutch JON en JORis West – JON en JORis West zijn er voor mensen die merken dat zij verliefd kunnen worden op kinderen of jongeren, maar die dit gevoel niet of niet meer willen omzetten in seksuele daden met kinderen.
- 💛🇨🇿Czech Československá pedofilní komunita – (ČEPEK) je nekriminální, svépomocná internetová komunita, která sdružuje pedofilně zaměřené jedince za účelem jejich osvěty a sebepoznání – právě tyto faktory sehrávají nejdůležitější roli v tom, aby byl pedofilně orientovaný jedinec plnohodnotnou součástí lidské společnosti a nebyl nebezpečný dětem ve svém okolí.