OMC Logo

Open MAP Community (OMC)


A chat-based community for minor-attracted persons (MAPs) to give and receive peer support.

* Some links on this page do not work. This is because our previous hosting provider told us that they are not interested in hosting us, forcing us to switch hosting providers. Additionally, one of our most talented tech admins lost interest in maintaining the site, making the switch that much harder. Please be patient as we are working on repairing the site. While our main chat is down, we are temporarily located on Matrix. Find us here:

About OMC

Whether you're a young MAP who's just learning about your sexuality or an experienced MAP-rights advocate, we're glad to have you in our community! We provide a safe, supportive environment for MAPs and allies by prioritising privacy, staff transparency, and democracy.

We are inclusive of MAPs who hold a variety of beliefs on sensitive topics and may need a place to discuss or receive support. We understand that it's not our place to judge you for your thoughts.

OMC members with the MAP or Non-MAP role also have the option to make a blog on MAP Blogs (Onion), a blogging site maintained by OMC.

OMC's Blog: (Onion)

What is a 'MAP'?

MAPs are persons who are attracted to minors younger than 15 years old who are significantly younger than themselves. The term MAP is an umbrella term that includes nepiophiles (primarily attracted to ages 0-4), paedophiles (primarily attracted to ages 3-11), and hebephiles (primarily attracted to ages 10-14).

Open MAP Community — Community Policy

Written and revised by Open MAP Community

Updated 22 September 2024

OMC's GitLab

Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Staff Policy

Terms of Service (Version 2.2)

By creating an account and logging in to Open MAP Community (hereinafter referred to as 'OMC'; (Onion)), you agree to be a member of OMC who is bound by the Community Policy (Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Staff Policy). The OMC Community Policy is a public domain document with no copyright restrictions.

Each person may use only one account. Systems must share a single account.

OMC is based in Sweden and may not be used for any activity that violates Swedish law.

1. Statement of Purpose

OMC is a democracy-based community for minor-attracted persons (MAPs) to give and receive peer support. OMC provides a safe, secure, and supportive environment for MAPs by ensuring personal privacy, staff transparency, and community-wide democracy.

1.1. Definitions

MAPs are persons who are attracted to minors younger than 15 years old who are significantly younger than themselves. The term MAP is an umbrella term that includes nepiophiles (primarily attracted to ages 0-4), paedophiles (primarily attracted to ages 3-11), and hebephiles (primarily attracted to ages 10-14).

2. Community Guidelines

  1. Members must have at least 15 years of chronological age.
  2. Members agree that OMC and its staff are not liable for any form of inconvenience or injury sustained from participating in OMC.
  3. Members agree to be bound by any guidelines subsequently created by the community.
  4. Members may give and receive peer support in a safe, inclusive environment. However, support may not include encouraging unlawful sexual activity with minors or encouraging the use of unlawful sexual imagery of real minors.
  5. Members may view, critique, and suggest revisions to the Community Policy.
  6. Members with the MAP role may participate in the Democratic Process.
  7. Members with the MAP or Non-MAP role may view and contribute to staff conversations with exception for those containing private information about members or private information about the server.
  8. Members may hold and express a variety of viewpoints, including those that are unpopular.
  9. Members may discuss topics in channels that are appropriate for those topics; off-topic discussion may be redirected.
  10. Members may not use OMC to engage in activity that violates Swedish law.
  11. Members may not disclose commission of unadjudicated crimes related to sexual activity with minors, abuse or maltreatment of minors or adults, or sexual imagery of real minors.
  12. Members may not disclose private information about anyone without their written permission. Private information includes identifying information and information about their personal life.
  13. Members may not engage in combative, harassing, abusive, hateful/hostile, or trolling behaviour against members of the community or which violates Swedish law. This includes agitation against ethnic groups, incitements of terrorism, and unlawful depictions of violence.
  14. No pornography (including sexual NN content or content derived from pornography), non-pornographic images from sets of pornographic images, bottomless nudity, or genitals unless portrayed in a legal, academic context. We can talk about our sexual feelings and fantasies without shame, but long fantasy sessions should be reserved for #fantasy.
  15. Members may not give medical advice to other members. Any advice given in OMC is layperson’s advice. Always consult a medical professional for medical advice.
  16. Members may not directly quote or share screenshots of messages posted in OMC to elsewhere outside of OMC without permission from every member featured or mentioned in the quote or screenshot.

3. Membership Process

To join OMC, go to (Onion) and create an account.

If needed, people may contact OMC staff by email (preferably Protonmail or Tutanota) at or by Session at 05e0e14900f3092d8b893d6aa58973f5bbdf3ee59b30e3184d4ba829180bfc2f2b. (We do not guarantee the security of these services from third parties).

When a new account is created, the new member is added to #announcements, #policy, and #the-courtyard-(read-room-description). New members should read through #policy. In #the-courtyard-(read-room-description), members will be required to answer 8 questions:

  1. Do you have at least 15 years of chronological age?
  2. Are you a MAP?
  3. Do you agree to the OMC Community Policy? ( (Onion))
  4. (optional) Are you a member of another MAP community that OMC staff can verify your identity on? If so, what community, and what is your username?
  5. What is one thing that members may do in OMC according to the Community Guidelines?
  6. What does Community Guideline 14 say? Violating this Community Guideline can result in your account being deactivated.
  7. Which Community Guideline prohibits admissions of unadjudicated crimes related to sex with minors, abuse or maltreatment, and illegal images of real minors?
  8. What is one otherthing that members may not do in OMC according to the Community Guidelines?

After answering the required questions, a staff member will move the new member to #introductions, #onboarding, and #troubleshooting. New members may create one post in #introductions briefly introducing themselves to the community. In #onboarding, new members should talk with other members and become familiar with the community. After a few days of activity in #onboarding, OMC staff will decide in poll whether a new member is to be given the MAP role.

The MAP role gives members access to the suggested and public opt-in channels of OMC and gives them the ability to respond to but not initiate direct messages (DMs). Upon receiving the MAP role, the bot will automatically start a DM rom with the member that can be used to send anonymous feedback to staff with the !map feedback command. After several weeks of activity in OMC, a member may be given the DM role, which allows them to initiate DMs.

3.1. Allies

Non-MAPs who wish to join the community may do so by the same process as MAPs. However, Non-MAPs are not given the MAP role, they are instead given the Non-MAP role. Users with the Non-MAP role have restricted access to channels. For a user to be given this role, they must not identify as a MAP and must have a demonstrated history of behavior consistent with being an ally.

3.2. Role Visibility

Many roles are visible in-chat in OMC, including the MAP-status roles, staff roles, Donator roles, and other cosmetic roles. Due to technical limitations with Rocket.Chat, roles may not be visible in mobile apps. Currently, the 'Admin' role may sometimes be visible in chat because it is not technically possible to hide it reliably. As soon as this feature becomes available, the role will be hidden, the Community Policy will be updated, and an announcement will be made.

3.3. File Uploads

Images, videos, audio files, PDFs, and plain text files are uploadable. Image and video uploads are disabled in direct message rooms.

3.4. Donations

OMC relies on anonymous donations in order to continue to operate. Donations are used only for server and hosting fees, which currently totals €31.25 per month. If you find OMC to be beneficial or if you would like to help keep the community operational, please consider donating. Even just couple of euros helps. Donations are accepted by Monero, Etherium, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, ZCash, Dash. Members who donate have the option to claim a Donator role. This role does not come with any additional permissions; it simply lets others know that you contributed to keeping the community up for everyone. If a member donates an entire month's hosting fees or more, they have the option to claim a Donator role that they choose the name of (within the bounds of the community guidelines). Members may have only one standard Donator role and one custom Donator role. The Donator roles expire after one year.

OMC's Monero address: 862rWgo6e8UH8haKevP1Tx11d5grzxsmsYJw3XF5SBzZhiGWekXJnyACJDCVCr7BfZcye9cpvbmzgHqE59BkLf1u3JgkKM7

OMC's Etherium address: 0x18BA269577aF99449c323E8Efd350ec40E807502

OMC's Bitcoin address: bc1qphurtewry2s5jfcskmukqvjthvejxwxu7sm0aj

OMC's Bitcoin Cash address: qr4wg5d3cy2jsdu5zujpyvq0rvl7l6rxwunka0eer0

OMC's Litecoin address: Li6A42pFrYAVbbgcEtV3Juz5kgeYPY2hXi

OMC's ZCash address: t1XUbrtdz2kZg8Q3Km95nFarRMKw3DsPTbG

OMC's Dash address: XspNe3Df7ebLQuDoBPygqupMre1EnNVLnU

3.5. Troubleshooting

3.5.1. Passwords

If a member would like to change their password, they may do so in their Profile settings. If a member should need to reset the password for their account, they will need to contact an administrator through their original contact method (email or Session) or another verified contact method. Due to server limitations, members are not able to reset their own passwords. If a member loses access to their verified contact method, then they will not be able to reset their password.

3.5.2. Changing Contact Information

Members may change their contact information by opening 'My Account' in OMC and entering a new email address or Session ID. Due to limitations with Rocket.Chat, Session ID must be provided in an email-like format. Please type “your Session”

3.5.3. Direct Messages

Direct messages (DMs) should be end-to-end encrypted by default in OMC. Encrypted messages should have a key symbol next to them to show they are encrypted. If you do not see the key symbol, your messages may not be encrypted, and you should enable encryption ASAP. Enable E2E encryption using the kebab menu (three dots) in the upper righthand corner of the DM room. If E2E encryption is enabled, then DMs cannot be read by OMC staff.

Be mindful that end-to-end (E2E) encrypted DMs in Rocket.Chat are in beta and may have some bugs. Some known bugs and fixes are:

  • Bug: Encrypted messages aren't decrypting. Fix 1: Enter your decryption code. Fix 2: Reload the page. Fix 3: Reset your E2E encryption password in your Security settings.
  • Bug: Slash commands and bot commands do not work in E2E encrypted DMs. Fix: Disable encryption to send the command and then re-enable encryption.
  • Bug: Encrypted DMs may be visible to attackers if a member's account is compromised and their encryption password is reset. Fix: Enable 2-factor authentication. Encryption password cannot be reset without a 2-factor authentication code.
  • Bug: Your encrypted DMs with a person may be visible if their account is compromised and their encryption password is reset. Fix: Set your online status to 'invisible.' Reseting Encryption code & 2-Factor Authentication

If a member loses access to their encryption password, then they can reset it in their Security settings. Resetting the encryption code may make encrypted messages unreadable.

If a member loses access to their 2-factor authenticator (if enabled) and all recovery codes, then they will not be able to access their account or reset their encryption password. If a member loses access to their account in this way, they will need to message OMC staff through a verified email or Session to request a new account.

3.5.4. Account Deactivation or Deletion

If a member would like to request for their account to be deactivated or deleted, they should contact a staff member from within OMC or through a verified contact method. Deactivation means that all data is retained on the server while the account is inactive and may be reactivated upon a member’s request. Deletion means that all of the data associated with a member’s account is permanently removed from the server. Members are also able to delete their own accounts by going to their profile and selecting 'Delete my account.' Any member may also request for data identifying them to be deleted from logs along with their account.

Members' accounts may also be deactivated or deleted for Community Policy violations, as detailed in Staff Policy § 4 Order of Intervention. A member whose account has been deactivated or deleted in this way should expect to have this treatment applied to any accounts they may create to subvert the ban. Only if a formerly deactivated member shows dedication to abide the Community Guidelines will staff consider readmitting them on request.

3.5.5. Harassment

OMC does not tolerate harassment. If you feel that you are being harassed by another member of OMC, please block the member (if the harassment is occurring in DMs) and/or ignore the member in each public channel (if the harassment is occurring in public channels), and/or contact a staff member for assistance. Staff will intervene to ensure that members are protected to the fullest extent of the Community Policy.

3.6. Usernames

Usernames must be at least 3 characters long.

4. Democratic Process

  • A proposal in Proposal Format is posted in #proposals.
  • The proposal is discussed in #proposals-discussions for at least 24 hours.
  • A poll in Poll Format is posted in #proposals-polls by the original proposer at least 24 hours after the last edit to the proposal.
  • If the proposal would change the Terms of Service sections 2 or 4 or the Privacy Policy, the poll runs for 7 days; otherwise, 3 days. Staff finish the poll as soon as possible after the full time passes.
  • If 2/3 of those who vote agree, then the proposal is implemented by a staff member.
  • If 2/3 of the Administrator Team agrees in poll that the proposal is in violation of Swedish law, Community Policy, or technical capabilities, then the Administrator Team explains that it cannot be implemented and why. If there is an unforeseen urgent concern, then the Administrator Team postpones implementation and repeats the Democratic Process.
  • For changes to the Community Policy except Terms of Service section 3.5 and Staff Policy section 7, an identical, non-anonymous poll runs in #staff-polls for at least 24 hours and requires the floor of 2/3 of staff to vote in favour (2/3 of the total number staff rounded down to the nearest whole number). For changes to Terms of Service sections 2 or 4, or to the Privacy Policy, the poll in #staff-polls runs for 48 hours. The staff poll may run concurrently with the poll in #proposals-polls.
  • For changes to the Community Guidelines that seek to restrict behaviors, if 2/3 of the staff agree in poll that there is an unforeseen urgent concern, staff may enact a moratorium, temporarily passing the proposal till the end of the proposal poll's voting period.

4.1. Proposal Format

  • Date: <YYYY-MM-DD>
  • Subject: <the subject of the proposal in a few words>
  • Proposal: <a description of what would change>
  • Motivation: <a description of why this needs to be changed, how it benefits the community, etc.>
  • Specification: <an explanation of exactly how it should be changed>

4.2. Poll Format

  • Question: <the entire text of the proposal in Proposal Format (copy and paste)>
  • Option 1: <yay>
  • Option 2: <nay>
  • Choice type: <single choice>
  • Vote type: <confidential vote>

4.3. Addition of an Associate Moderator

  • Staff agrees by floor of 2/3 majority in #staff-polls that one additional Associate Moderator is needed.
  • Staff posts a proposal in Proposal Format in #proposals.
  • Staff accepts nominations from the community (including self-nominations) in #proposals-discussions. Nominees for the Associate Moderator role must be a member with the DM and MAP roles.
  • Nominations are accepted for at least 3 days.
  • Nominees agree to be nominated if they would like to run for the Associate Moderator role.
  • Discussion is held for at least 24 hours for members to express opinions and concerns. During this time, nominees may explain why they believe they are a good candidate for the role.
  • An anonymous poll including all of the nominees is posted by staff and runs for 3 days. "None of these Candidates" must be put as an option in every staff election poll, including those with more than 1 candidate. Members with the MAP role may cast a vote for one nominee.
  • Staff adds the Associate Moderator role to the nominee with the most votes.

4.4. Addition of a Community Administrator

  • One Community Administrator is elected to serve a 6-month term, either when six months have passed since the last election or whenever the current Community Administrator becomes no longer available to serve.
  • Staff posts a proposal in Proposal Format in #proposals.
  • Staff accepts nominations from the community (including self-nominations) in #proposals-discussions. Nominees for the Community Administrator role must be a member with the DM and MAP roles.
  • Nominations are accepted for at least 48 hours.
  • Nominees agree to be nominated if they would like to run for the Community Administrator role.
  • Discussion is held for 48 hours for members to express opinions and concerns. During this time, nominees may explain why they believe they are a good candidate for the role.
  • An anonymous poll including all of the nominees is posted by staff and runs for 48 hours. "None of these Candidates" must be put as an option in every staff election poll, including those with more than 1 candidate. Members with the MAP role may cast a vote for one nominee.
  • Staff adds the Community Administrator role to the nominee with the most votes.

4.5. Addition of a Technical Administrator or Financial Administrator

  • Staff agrees by floor of 2/3 majority, including 2/3 of the Administrator Team, in #staff-polls that one additional Technical Administrator or Financial Administrator is needed.
  • Staff posts identical proposals in Proposal Format in #proposals and #staff-polls.
  • Staff accepts nominations from anyone with the DM and MAP roles (including self-nominations) in #staff.
  • Nominations are accepted for at least 48 hours.
  • Nominees agree to be nominated if they would like to run for the Technical Administrator or Financial Administrator role.
  • Discussion is held for 48 hours for members to express opinions and concerns. During this time, nominees may explain why they believe they are a good candidate for the role.
  • An anonymous poll including all of the nominees is posted in #proposals-polls and runs for 48 hours. "None of these Candidates" must be put as an option in every staff election poll, including those with more than 1 candidate.
  • Staff vote in #staff-polls whether to assign the role to the winner.
  • An administrator adds the Technical Administrator or Financial Administrator role to the nominee with the most votes.

4.6. Removal of an Associate Moderator, Moderator, or Community Administrator

Any member with the MAP role may initiate the removal of an Associate Moderator, Moderator, or Community Administrator by following the Democratic Process. The Motivation in the proposal must outline descriptions of multiple non-removal attempts to help improve the staff member’s conduct. Rather than 24-hour waiting periods, there will be 48-hour waiting periods.

4.7. Removal of a Technical Administrator or Financial Administrator

  • A staff member posts a proposal in Proposal Format in #staff-polls.
  • Discussion is held for 48 hours for members to express opinions and concerns.
  • An anonymous poll in Poll Format is posted in #staff-polls and runs for 7 days.
  • If the poll shows the floor of 2/3 majority, including 2/3 majority among the Administrator Team, then the proposal is implemented by a Technical Administrator.

5. Staff

Staff is comprised of the Administrator Team and Moderator Team. The Administrator Team is comprised of Technical Administrators, Financial Administrators, and Community Administrators. The Moderator Team is comprised of Moderators and Associate Moderators. The Administrator Team and Moderators have access to all private channels in OMC. Associate Moderators have access to all private channels except #private-server-log. All staff members are responsible for:

  • Adhering to the Staff Policy.
  • Assisting in other staff functions when possible or necessary.
  • Deciding by the floor of 2/3 majority in poll whether an Associate Moderator should be given the Moderator role.
  • Announcing all changes to the Community Policy in #announcements with a link to the GitLab commit, if they were the one that made the change.

5.1. Technical Administrators

Technical Administrators are responsible for:

  • Announcing Rocket.Chat updates and changes to the technical infrastructure in #announcements.
  • Giving an Associate Moderator the Moderator role if there are no Moderators and no Associate Moderators who have been active for 3 months.
  • Maintaining OMC's technical infrastructure.
  • Updating information about technical infrastructure in the Community Policy.

5.2. Financial Administrators

Financial Administrators are responsible for:

  • Announcing changes to financial information in #announcements.
  • Paying for OMC's technical infrastructure and any other disbursements directed by the community.
  • Providing monthly reports of aggregate income and expenses.
  • Updating information about finances in the Community Policy.

5.3. Community Administrators

Community Administrators are responsible for:

  • Appointing intrastaff roles to existing staff members who agree to take on that role.
  • Representing OMC in public communications and communications with professional partners.
  • Updating the Community Policy as directed by the community.

5.4. Moderators

Moderators are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the community guidelines are upheld in the community.
  • Guiding conversation into appropriate channels and away from inappropriate topics.
  • Protecting the community from trolls, anti-MAPs, and others who seek to harm it.
  • Welcoming new members and answering questions about the community.

5.5. Associate Moderators

Associate Moderators are Moderators in training. They have the same responsibilities as Moderators with more limited permissions. If an Associate Moderator is unable to fulfil a responsibility because of their limited permissions, then they are responsible for notifying a Moderator. Associate Moderators are elected by the community through the Democratic Process. After 3 months of active service as an Associate Moderator, staff decides by the floor of 2/3 majority in poll whether to give an Associate Moderator the Moderator role.

5.6. Helpers

Helpers are non-staff, volunteer local moderators in The Courtyard and the onboarding channels. Anyone with the MAP role may volunteer to be a Helper and will be given the Helper role and the associated local permissions role if they receive the floor of 2/3 of staff’s vote in favour in #staff-polls.

Helpers are responsible for monitoring these channels for any rule-violating content and for welcoming and onboarding new members. Helpers are responsible for posting in #staff-moderation in the event of rule violations. If serious rule-violating behaviour occurs, and global Moderator action is needed, Helpers are responsible for notifying an Associate Moderator or a Moderator.

5.7. Intrastaff Roles

Intrastaff roles have not yet been established.

6. Law Enforcement

Law enforcement representatives may contact OMC at

Privacy Policy (Version 1.4.1)

Privacy is a core value in OMC and is essential to community security. OMC collects minimal information about members and treats all potentially identifying information with confidentiality. Members are encouraged to use anonymising software such as using Tor Browser ( or pseudonymising software like a virtual private network (VPN), and Session ( or a pseudonymous email address for signup. Please view this article ( (Onion)) for more information about privacy and security in MAP communities.

1. Technical Information

OMC does not store logs of identifying technical information (e.g., internet protocol (IP) address, browser type, operating system (OS), etc.) about members; therefore, OMC staff does not have access to this information.

1.1. Time Zones

Members’ time zones are publicly viewable in OMC. There is currently no way to disable this within Rocket.Chat. As soon as OMC staff is made aware of a way to disable public time zone viewing in Rocket.Chat, it will be disabled, the Privacy Policy will be updated, and an announcement will be made in #announcements.

Until then, members are encouraged to use software to conceal their real time zone. Tor Browser spoofs time zone, making it appear as UTC ±0. Time zone can be spoofed in Firefox by going to about:config and toggling privacy.resistFingerprinting so that it is set to true. Extensions to spoof time zone are also available for most browsers.

2. Contact Information

Email address or Session ID used to sign up for OMC is stored and is available to Community Administrators, Financial Administrators, Technical Administrators, and Moderators. This information is used only to send invites to new members, reset members’ passwords at their request, and contact members when contacting them via OMC is not possible or in emergency situations.

3. Chat Retention

Member activity in public channels is stored in public channels according to the retention policy in each channel. The global retention policy in OMC is 3 months; meaning, messages are automatically deleted after 3 months. This may be longer or shorter depending on the channel. View 3.1. Temporary Update to Retention. Member activity in direct messages is not automatically deleted. All members may edit or delete their own messages for any reason.

3.1. Temporary Update to Retention

Because of a persistent bug in Rocket.Chat's infrastructure, it is impossible to set different retention policies in different channels; only the global retention policy works. In response to this, OMC has extended the global retention policy from 3 months to 27 years (members always have the option to delete their own messages manually or delete their own account, which deletes all of their messages). This is in order to preserve important history such as messages in the Announcements, Introductions, the proposals channels and the public staff channels. As soon as this bug is fixed or OMC's staff becomes aware of a suitable workaround, the Privacy Policy will be updated, and an announcement will be posted in the Announcements channel.

4. Direct Messages

Direct Messages (DMs) are set to be end-to-end (E2E) encrypted by default. Encrypted messages should have a key symbol next to them to show they are encrypted. If you do not see the key symbol, your messages may not be encrypted, and you should enable encryption ASAP. Enable E2E encryption using the kebab menu (three dots) in the upper righthand corner of the DM room. If E2E encryption is enabled, then DMs cannot be read by OMC staff.

E2E encryption can be enabled by selecting the 3 dots in the upper righthand corner of the DM room and selecting 'Enable Encryption'. Encrypted messages should always a key icon next to them. If you do not see the key icon, your messages may not be encrypted, and you should enable encryption ASAP. As soon as this we become aware of a way to reliably enable E2E encryption by default, it will be enabled, and this policy will be updated. If E2E encryption is enabled, then DMs cannot be read by OMC staff. OMC staff strongly recommends using a secure, E2E encrypted platform outside of OMC, such as Session (, for any sensitive conversations. Technical Administrators, Community Administrators, and Moderators can view the total number of DMs in members’ DM channels with other members but cannot view the content of these messages because they are encrypted.

It is a known issue that E2E encrypted DMs may be visible to attackers if a member's account is compromised and their encryption password is reset. This can be prevented by enabling 2-factor authentication. Encryption password cannot be reset without a 2-factor authentication code.

5. Data Request and Removal

Currently, due to limitations with Rocket.Chat, it’s not possible to export a member’s complete data in bulk. As soon as this feature becomes available, the Privacy Policy will be updated, and an announcement will be made in #announcements.

5.1. Logs

OMC Staff Policy outlines two types of logs kept that include information about members: Posts in #private-onboarding-log and #private-moderation-log. Staff will provide a copy of member's posts in #private-onboarding-log and copies of incident reports in #private-moderation-log identifying them (with identifying information about other members redacted) upon request. Any member may also request for data identifying them to be deleted from logs along with their account.

5.2. Account Deactivation or Deletion

If a member would like to request for their account to be deactivated or deleted, they should contact a staff member within OMC or through a verified contact method. Deactivation means that all data is retained on the server while the account is inactive and may be reactivated upon a member’s request. Deletion means that all of the data technically associated with a member’s account is permanently removed from the server. Members are also able to delete their own accounts by going to their profile and selecting 'Delete my account.'

6. Custom Scripts

OMC uses custom JavaScript to hide quoted messages from ignored users (this is not a default feature in Rocket.Chat). OMC's bot, Lil Bot, uses JavaScript for most functions. These scripts are publicly available on OMC's GitLab (

Staff Policy (Version 2.1)

By agreeing to serve as a staff member in OMC, you agree to be held to the standards set forth in the Staff Policy.

1. Principles of Staff

1.1. Professionalism

Staff aims to approach issues from a place of fairness and diffuse conflicts rather than escalating them. Staff aims to reach collaborative solutions to problems. Staff aims to accept the consensus of staff and of the community as paramount to their own opinion.

1.2. Neutrality

Staff aims to handle matters of moderation and administration with objectivity to the fullest of their ability. Staff aims to be nonjudgmental of all members regardless of their identity, psychosocial or medical history, criminal history, ideology, or actions.

1.3. Privacy & Confidentiality

Although most staff conversation is public, any conversation involving identifying information about members, private information about the server's technical/financial infrastructure, or information brought to staff's attention in DMs by members should be treated as confidential and should be kept within staff. Information presented in private staff channels should be assumed to be confidential. Private information may be shared outside of staff if staff votes to allow it and if the members whose private information it is agree for it to be shared, or if required by Swedish law.

2. Onboarding Policy

2.1. The Courtyard

  • A new member joins #the-courtyard-(read-room-description).
  • If the new member's username is less than 3 characters long, ask them to think of a longer username and change it to that before onboarding them.
  • If applicable, verify any offsite accounts.
  • A staff member uses the !map onboard command to move the new member to the suggested channels, and add any verified accounts or concerns to the post by the bot in #private-onboarding-log.

2.2. Onboarding

  • Welcome new members and invite them to make a post in #introductions if they’d like.
  • Talk to new members about MAP topics and be aware of any warning signs of trolls, antis, and others who may seek to harm the community. Example questions to ask in #onboarding:
    • “When did you first realise you're a MAP?”
    • “How did you first hear about the online MAP community?”
    • “What do you find most attractive about minors in your AoA?”
    • “If you had to identify one age that you're most attracted to, which would it be?”
    • “How do you feel about your own minor attraction?”
    • “Do you have any minors in your life who you're close with?”
  • If concerns about a member come up, discuss it in #staff-moderation or #private-moderation (if it involves private information) and document it in their post in #private-onboarding-log.
  • After a minimum 5 days of activity in #onboarding by a member (if a member's identity has been verified on another MAP community, then only a minimum of 1 day of activity in #onboarding is required), propose for the member to be given the MAP role in #staff-polls. When deciding whether to support giving a new member the MAP role, review their activity in #onboarding by typing “from:<username>,” review their userInfo, and review their posts in #private-onboarding-log.
  • If 2 members of the Moderator Team agree to give the member the MAP role, then, when the member is present, ask them to choose at least one visible role identifying them as a MAP, assign it to them if they cannot themself, and type !map addMAP username in #onboarding when the member is present to give them the invisible, functional MAP role. Staff may also choose to asign the MAP role without DM privileges instead of the MAP role.
    • If concerns have been made about the member, or any staff member votes against giving the new member the MAP role, then the MAP role may not be given within 24 hours, and the number of votes in favor rises to the floor of 2/3 of the Moderator Team. Staff may change their vote at any time.
    • Alternatively, if there are no concerns in private staff channels that cannot be shared with the community, the MAP role may be assigned with approval from just one member of the Moderator Team, plus 2/3 of voters (minimum 6 votes in favor) after at least 24 hours in #proposals-polls.

2.3. DM role

  • After a minimum of 28 days of activity in OMC, (if a member's identity has been verified on another MAP community, then only a minimum of 7 days of activity is required), propose for the member to be given the DM role in #staff-polls. When deciding whether to support giving a member the DM role, review their userInfo, and review their post in #private-onboarding-log.
  • If the floor of 2/3 of the Moderator Team agrees to give the member the DM role, then add the DM role by selecting the member's profile in the administration panel and adding the DM role or by using a bot command.
  • If any staff member votes against giving a new member the DM role, then the DM role may not be given within 24 hours unless the reasoning for voting against has been discussed in #staff-moderation. Staff may change their vote at any time.
    • There is no minimum waiting period for assigning the MAP or DM role to a founding member of OMC.

2.4. Private Onboarding log Format

"Comments":"Edit this line to add comments."

2.5. Cleanup Policy

Members without the MAP role or Non-MAP role who have been inactive for 7 days will be moved to #the-courtyard-(read-room-description) with '!map cleanup 7'. Members without the MAP role or Non-MAP role who have been logging in but have not sent any public messages in 7 days may also be moved to #the-courtyard-(read-room-description).

Sanitise: Due to a current issue with the !map cleanup command, !map sanitise may be used in lieu. The !map sanitise command removes all members without the MAP role or Non-MAP role from the onboarding channels regardless of their last login date. All members will be manually checked with 'from:username' to see if they have sent a message in the past 7 days in onboarding. If they have, they will be moved back to onbaording.

Offboard: Individual members may be sent back to the Courtyard using !map offboard username.

2.6. Image Upload Moderation

Image uploads are a priority for moderation. To quickly view the uploaded images on desktop, select the paperclip icon in the upper righthand corner of a channel. To do this on mobile, open the channel information by clicking the channel name, and select the paperclip icon in the list of options. Follow the Order of Intervention and Specific Interventions when moderating image uploads.

3. Community Guarding Policy

#the-courtyard-(read-room-description) and #onboarding are priorities in moderating the community because these channels contain conversation including members who have not yet been given the MAP role. It is essential to guard the community from trolls, anti-MAPs (antis), and other malicious members who seek to harm the community or its members. There are three general categories of people who may be unfit for OMC: Antis, trolls, and others.

Although this policy provides guidance for identifying warning signs of these people in OMC, warning signs are not guarantees that a member is unfit for the community, and moderation interventions should still follow the Order of Intervention outlined in IV. Order of Intervention.

3.1. Antis

Antis are those who dedicate their time to hunting or advocating against MAPs. Occasionally, an anti will attempt to infiltrate a MAP community such as OMC with the intent to harm the community or its members. Warning signs of antis include:

  • Asking personal questions about members (e.g., their location).
  • Attempting to elicit an admission of a unadjudicated illegal activity or making such admissions themselves and seeking positive reactions.
  • Claiming to be an AAM.
  • Demonstrating a clear lack of understanding of minor attraction (e.g., thinking that paedophilia is a crime).
  • Inconsistency in the information they provide about themselves in OMC and elsewhere.
  • Sending shortened links or links to unusual websites (these links should be parsed/given a warning about or removed ASAP by a staff member).
  • Showing interest in finding sexual/romantic partners in the community or asking members to engage in age play that could be taken out of context and mistaken for engaging sexually with a real minor rather than an adult roleplaying as a minor.
  • Using derogatory terms to refer to MAPs.
  • Using or inquiring about “code words.”

3.2. Trolls

The motivations of trolls are often unclear and involve causing conflict for no clear reason. Warning signs of trolls include:

  • Fabricating stories for the purpose of controversy.
  • Perpetually initiating arguments about controversial or irrelevant topics.
  • Using memes or jokes associated with extremist groups (e.g., the alt-right).

3.3. Others

There are many other reasons why a member may be unfit for OMC. Warning signs for this category include:

  • Acting in a way that deprives others of support.
  • Not having at least 15 years of chronological age.
  • Being currently forbidden by the law from sharing an online space with minors aged 15 and older.
  • Claiming to be someone but being unable to provide evidence to verify their identity.
  • Having a history of harming MAPs or the MAP community or cooperating with people who seek to harm MAPs or the MAP community.
  • Having MAP-related obsessive-compulsive disorder and not being a MAP.
  • Repeatedly admitting to unadjudicated illegal activity that violates the community guidelines.
  • Repeatedly threatening to harm themselves or others.
  • Repeatedly violating the Community Policy.
  • Sharing many characteristics with a previously deactivated member of the community.

4. Order of Intervention

  • Messaging a member with a request or with direction (unless urgent).
  • Asking members to move the conversation to a more appropriate channel (if applicable).
  • Asking members to discontinue a conversation (if applicable).
  • Editing a member's message to remove any parts violating community guidelines (if applicable).
  • Removing a member’s message (if applicable). This should only be done in cases when the message cannot be edited to remove only the part that is in violation of community guidelines. Refer to Deleting Requirements.
  • Disallowing members to post in specific channels.
  • Removing members from channels (if applicable).
  • Removing the role(s) of members to prevent them from rejoining channels, sending new direct messages, or, for staff and helpers, violating the Staff Policy in extreme ways (post a poll in #staff-polls to uphold the temporary staff role removal).
  • Deactivating members on a basis of staff consensus in #staff-polls (if possible).
    • Deactivating members temporarily and voting in #staff-polls whether to uphold the deactivation.
      • This should only be done in situations where all other applicable staff interventions have been insufficient, the situation presents urgent harm to the community, and no other staff members are immediately available to agree that deactivating is the right approach or when the situation is specified in Specific Interventions (poll may not be required in some situations).
    • If the floor of 2/3 of the Moderator Team agrees to deactivate a member, then they will be deactivated. If any staff member votes against deactivating, then they may not be deactivated within 24 hours unless the reasoning for voting against has been discussed in #staff-moderation. Staff may change their vote at any time.

4.1. Deleting Requirements

In accordance with Swedish law (Act 1998:112), OMC staff must delete any of the following as soon as possible in order to prevent and reduce dissemination:

  • Threats with a criminal act in a manner that is likely to evoke serious fear in others.
  • Unlawful invasion of privacy.
  • Incitement.
  • Agitation against ethnic groups.
  • Child pornography.
  • Illegal depiction of violence.
  • Public solicitation.
  • Recruitment/training related to terrorism or other serious crimes.
  • Infringed copyright or infringed protected literary/artistic works.

4.2. Specific Interventions

  • If a member posts any content mentioned in Deleting Requirements, then delete the content.
    • If the posted content also violates community guideline 14, then deactivate the member's account and post a poll in #staff-polls to decide whether to uphold the deactivation 'for rule 14 violation'. Keep mention of illegality to #private-moderation. If the posted content includes child pornography, deactivate and delete the member's account and don't report the offense in public.
    • If the posted content also includes identifying information about any person in violation of community guideline 12, then deactivate the member's account and post a poll in #staff-polls to decide whether to uphold the deactivation.
  • If a member posts any content in violation of Community Guideline 14 but not mentioned in Deleting Requirements, then delete the content, and remind the member of Community Guideline 14. Detail the event in #private-moderation and give a non-specific overview of the incident in #staff-moderation.
    • If a member offers child pornography, or repeatedly violates community guideline 14, then deactivate the member's account, and post a poll in #staff-polls to decide whether to uphold the deactivation.
  • If a member discloses private information about another member in violation of community guideline 12 but not mentioned in Deleting Requirements, then delete the private information, and remind the member of community guideline 12.
  • If a member posts an admission of an unadjudicated crime against OMC's Community Guidelines, then delete the admission, and remind the member of community guideline 11.
  • If a member without the MAP or Non-MAP role requests to be contacted privately by staff or there's a situation that requires staff to contact them privately, then a private channel including the member and at least two staff members may be created and deleted when the issue is resolved.
  • Before deleting a channel, repost all pinned content in another relevant channel, and mention @all in the channel stating that the channel will be deleted soon and for members to download any content they want to keep. Wait at least 24 hours after mentioning @all before deleting the channel.
  • If a member has less than 15 years of chronological age, then refer them to OMC's Resources page (, and deactivate and delete their account.
  • Should a formerly deactivated member show dedication to abide the Community Guidelines and request readmission, staff may post a poll in #staff-polls to decide whether to allow the member to rejoin the community.
    • If the floor of 2/3 of the Moderator Team agrees to unban the member, reactivate their account or allow them to create a new account to be subject to standard onboarding procedure.
    • If any staff member votes against unbanning the member, then they may not be unbanned within 24 hours unless the reasoning for voting against has been discussed in #staff-moderation. Staff may change their vote at any time.

5. Incident Reporting

Most community guideline violations may be corrected in chat and do not require an incident report.

If a member of staff deletes a message from another user, post a brief incident report to #private-moderation-log. This incident report can be written casually without following section 5.1 and only needs to describe who posted the message, where it was posted, and why it was deleted.

If a member is muted, is removed from a channel, has a role removed, or has their account deactivated or deleted, an incident report in Incident Report Format is completed, posted in #private-moderation-log, and sent to members involved in the incident in DMs (if possible), by a verified contact method, or in a private channel. Subsequently requested copies have other parties' names censored.

If a private channel is made with a member as part of the moderation process, post a log in #private-moderation-log using the !map log command following the Private Channel log Format and send a copy of the log to the member(s) involved in DMs (if possible), by a verified contact method, or in a private channel.

5.1. Incident Report Format

Date: <YYYY-MM-DD>
Action: <description of what action was taken, who it was taken against, and who took the action>
Events: <description of the events leading up to the action, including what other staff interventions occurred>
Resolution: <description of the events after the action was taken>

5.2. Private Channel log Format

Date Created: <YYYY-MM-DD>
Date Deleted: <YYYY-MM-DD>
Members Involved: <list of all members in the private channel>
Reason for Creation: <reason the channel was created as part of the moderation process>
Resolution: <the results of the channel>

6. Permissions

Permissions specific to OMC’s community are written in italic.

6.1. User Permissions

  • advice - Get advise using !map advice.
  • boop - Boop someone using !map boop <username>.
  • cat - Post a random cat image using !map cat. Needs to be called in spam. Images provided by:
  • dog - Post a random Dog image using !map dog. Needs to be called in spam. Images provided by:
  • define - Access OMC’s dictionary of MAP-relevant terms using !map define <word>.
  • feedback - Send anonymous feedback to staff using !map feedback. The bot will require you to call this command by sending a DM to the bot.
  • headpat - Give someone a headpat using !map headpat <username>.
  • hug - Give someone a hug using !map hug <username>.
  • icanhazdad - Get a dad joke using !map icanhazdad.
  • mention - Mention staff members using !map mention <role>.
  • poll - Create a poll using !map poll.
  • staff - Mention staff members using !map staff <role>.
  • trivia - Get a trivia question using !map trivia.
  • Delete own message - Permission to delete own message.
  • View history - Permission to view the channel history.
  • View joined room - Permission to view the currently joined channels.

6.2. MAP Permissions

  • All User permissions - Members with the MAP role have all of the permissions that members with the User role have.
  • Delete direct messages - Permission to delete direct messages.
  • Leave channels - Permission to leave channels.
  • Leave private groups - Permission to leave private groups.
  • Preview public channel - Permission to view the contents of a public channel before joining it.
  • View public channel - Permission to view public channels.
  • View direct messages - Permission to view direct messages.
  • View private room - Permission to view private channels.

6.2.1. MAP Without DMs Permissions

  • All User permissions - Members with the MAP role have all of the permissions that members with the User role have.
  • Leave channels - Permission to leave channels.
  • Leave private groups - Permission to leave private groups.
  • Preview public channel - Permission to view the contents of a public channel before joining it.
  • View public channel - Permission to view public channels.
  • View private room - Permission to view private channels.

6.3. Non-MAP Permissions

  • All MAP permissions - Members with the Non-MAP role have access to fewer channels. Non-MAPs may only access #introductions, #onboarding, #general, #serious, and #staff.

6.4. DM Permissions

  • All MAP permissions - Members with the DM role have all of the permissions that members with the MAP role have.
  • Create direct messages - Permission to start direct messages.

6.5. Helpers Permissions

  • Onboard - Move a member from The Courtyard to onboarding using !map onboard.
  • Delete message - Permission to delete a message within a room.
  • Edit message - Permission to edit a message within a room.
  • Force delete message - Permission to delete a message bypassing all restrictions.
  • Mention all - Permission to use the @ all mention.
  • Mention here - Permission to use the @ here mention.
  • Mute user - Permission to mute other users in the same channel.
  • Pin message - Permission to pin a message in a channel.
  • Post readonly - Permission to post a message in a read-only channel.
  • Remove user - Permission to remove a user from a room.
  • Send many messages - Permission to bypass rate limit of five messages per second.
  • Set react when readonly - Permission to set the ability to react to messages in a read-only channel.
  • Set readonly - Permission to set a channel to read-only channel.

6.6. Associate Moderator Permissions

  • All DM permissions - Members with the Associate Moderator role have all of the permissions that members with the DM role have.
  • addMAP - Assign members the MAP role using !map addMAP <username>.
  • cleanup - Move inactive members with only the User role from onboarding back to prescreening using '!map cleanup 7'.
  • log - Create logs using !map log <log text>.
  • onboard - Move a member from The Courtyard to onboarding using !map onboard <username>.
  • userInfo - Use the !map userInfo command to view information about members’ accounts.
  • Add user to any public channel - Permission to add a user to any public channel.
  • Add user to any private channel - Permission to add a user to any private channel.
  • Add user to any joined channel - Permission to add a user to a currently joined channel.
  • Archive room - Permission to archive a channel.
  • Ban user - Permission to ban a user from a channel.
  • Create public channels - Permission to create public channels.
  • Create private channels - Permission to create private channels.
  • Create personal access tokens - Permission to create personal access tokens.
  • Delete message - Permission to delete a message within a room.
  • Edit message - Permission to edit a message within a room.
  • Edit other user active status - Permission to enable or disable other accounts.
  • Edit other user avatar - Permission to edit other user’s avatar.
  • Edit other user information - Permission to change other user’s name, username, or email address.
  • Edit room - Permission to edit a room’s name, topic, type (private or public status), and status (active or archived).
  • Edit room avatar - Permission to edit a room's avatar.
  • Force delete message - Permission to delete a message bypassing all restrictions.
  • Join without join code - Permission to bypass the join code in channels with join code enabled.
  • Manage emoji - Permission to manage the server emojis.
  • Manage sounds - Permission to edit the server sounds.
  • Manage user status - Permission to manage the server custom user statuses.
  • Mention all - Permission to use the @all mention.
  • Mention here - Permission to use the @here mention.
  • Mute user - Permission to mute other users in the same channel.
  • Pin message - Permission to pin a message in a channel.
  • Post readonly - Permission to post a message in a read-only channel.
  • Remove user - Permission to remove a user from a room.
  • Send many messages - Permission to bypass rate limit of five messages per second.
  • Set react when readonly - Permission to set the ability to react to messages in a read-only channel.
  • Set readonly - Permission to set a channel to read-only channel.
  • Unarchive room - Permission to unarchive channels.
  • User generate access token - Permission for users to generate access tokens.
  • View join code - Permission to view the channel join code.
  • View other user channels - Permission to view channels owned by other users.
  • View outside room - Permission to view users outside the current room.
  • View privileged setting - Permission to view settings.
  • View user administration - Permission to partial, read-only list view of other user accounts currently logged into the system. No user account information is accessible with this permission.

6.7. Moderator Permissions

  • All Associate Moderator permissions - Members with the Moderator role have all of the permissions that members with the Associate Moderator role have.
  • Contact members offsite - View members’ contact information (email or Session ID) and contact them outside of OMC by these methods.
  • unMAP - Remove the MAP role from a member using !map unMAP <username>.
  • Assign roles - Permission to assign roles to other users.
  • Clean channel history - Permission to clear the history from channels.
  • Create invite links - Permission to create invite links to channels.
  • Create user - Permission to create users.
  • Edit room’s retention policy - Permission to edit a room's retention policy, to automatically delete messages in it.
  • Set leader - Permission to set other users as leader of a channel.
  • Set moderator - Permission to set other users as moderator of a channel.
  • Set owner - Permission to set other users as owner of a channel.
  • View logs - Permission to view the server logs.
  • View full other user info - Permission to view full profile of other users including account creation date, last login, etc.
  • View room administration - Permission to view public, private, and direct message statistics. Does not include the ability to view conversations or archives.
  • View statistics - Permission to view system statistics such as number of users logged in, number of rooms, and operating system information.

6.8. Community Admin Permissions

  • All Moderator permissions - Members with the Community Admin role have all of the permissions that members with the Moderator role have.
  • Managing email - Having access to the official OMC email account:
  • Managing social media - Having access to official community social media and public media or the permission to appoint this responsibility to another staff member who agrees to it.
  • All livechat permissions - Access to all livechat permissions in OMC. These permissions are not used.
  • All oauth permissions - Access to all oauth permissions in OMC. These permissions are not used.
  • All omnichannel permissions - Access to all omnichannel permissions in OMC. These permissions are not used.
  • All team permissions - Access to all team permissions in OMC. These permissions are not used.
  • Modify setting-based permissions - Permission to modify setting-based permissions.
  • Access mailer screen - Permission to send mass email to all users.
  • Access permissions screen - Modify permissions for various roles.
  • Bypass rate limit for REST API - Permission to call API without rate limitation.
  • Assign admin role - Permission to assign the admin role to other users.
  • Auto translate - Permission to use the auto translate tool.
  • Bulk create users - Permission to create users in bulk.
  • Call management - Permission to start a meeting.
  • Delete public channels - Permission to delete public channels.
  • Delete private channels - Permission to delete private channels.
  • Delete user - Permission to delete users.
  • Edit other user E2E encryption - Permission to edit other user's E2E encryption.
  • Edit other user password - Permission to modify other user’s password. Requires edit-other-user-info permission.
  • Edit other user two factor TOTP - Permission to edit other user’s two factor TOTP.
  • Edit privileged setting - Permission edit settings.
  • Impersonate Other Users - Permission to impersonate other users using message alias.
  • Mail messages - Permission to use the mail messages option.
  • Manage apps - Permission to manage all apps.
  • Manage assets - Permission to manage the server assets.
  • Manage cloud - Permission to manage cloud.
  • Manage email inbox - Permission to manage email inboxes.
  • Manage incoming interactions - Permission to manage the server’s incoming interactions.
  • Manage outgoing interactions - Permission to manage the server outgoing interactions.
  • Manage own incoming interactions - Permission to allow users to create and edit their own incoming integration or webhooks.
  • Manage own outgoing interactions - Permission to allow users to create and edit their own outgoing integration or webhooks.
  • Change some settings - Permission to change settings which are explicitly granted to be changed.
  • Run import - Permission to run the importers.
  • Run migration - Permission to run the migrations.
  • Snippet message - Permission to create snippet message.
  • Start discussion - Permission to start a discussion.
  • Start discussion (other-user) - Permission to start a discussion, which gives permission to the user to create a discussion from a message sent by another user as well.
  • Toggle room E2E encryption - Permission to toggle E2E encryption room.
  • View members list in broadcast room - Permission to view list of users in broadcast channel.

6.9. Financial Admin Permissions

  • All DM permissions - Members with the Financial Administrator role have all of the permissions that members with the DM role have.
  • Contact members offsite - View members’ contact information (email or Session ID) and contact them outside of OMC by these methods.
  • Direct server account access - Members with the Financial Administrator role have direct access to OMC’s server accounts.
  • Direct financial account access - Members with the Financial Administrator role have direct access to OMC's financial accounts.
  • log - Create logs using !map log <log text>.
  • Managing email - Having access to the official OMC email account:
  • Access permissions screen - Modify permissions for various roles.
  • Add user to any public channel - Permission to add a user to any public channel.
  • Add user to any private channel - Permission to add a user to any private channel.
  • Add user to any joined channel - Permission to add a user to a currently joined channel.
  • Archive room - Permission to archive a channel.
  • Assign roles - Permission to assign roles to other users.
  • Ban user - Permission to ban a user from a channel.
  • Create private channels - Permission to create private channels.
  • Create personal access tokens - Permission to create personal access tokens.
  • Delete private channels - Permission to delete private channels.
  • Mention all - Permission to use the @all mention.
  • Mention here - Permission to use the @here mention.
  • Pin message - Permission to pin a message in a channel.
  • Post readonly - Permission to post a message in a read-only channel.
  • Send many messages - Permission to bypass rate limit of five messages per second.
  • Set react when readonly - Permission to set the ability to react to messages in a read-only channel.
  • Set readonly - Permission to set a channel to read-only channel.
  • Unarchive room - Permission to unarchive channels.
  • User generate access token - Permission for users to generate access tokens.
  • View full other user info - Permission to view full profile of other users including account creation date, last login, etc.
  • View join code - Permission to view the channel join code.
  • View other user channels - Permission to view channels owned by other users.
  • View outside room - Permission to view users outside the current room.
  • View privileged setting - Permission to view settings.
  • View room administration - Permission to view public, private, and direct message statistics. Does not include the ability to view conversations or archives.
  • View statistics - Permission to view system statistics such as number of users logged in, number of rooms, and operating system information.

6.10. Tech Admin Permissions

  • All Community Administrator permissions - Members with the Tech Admin role have all of the permissions that members with the Community Admin role have. Due to technical limitations, Technical Administrators have a role called 'admin' in addition to their Tech Admin role.
  • Direct server access - Members with the Technical Administrator role have direct access to OMC’s server.

7. Channels

Each category includes access to the channels from the previous category (i.e., members with the MAP role have access to all channels that members with the User role have). All members with the MAP role can access the public staff channels and other opt-in channels. Members with the Non-MAP role have access to fewer channels.

Before deleting a channel, repost all pinned content in another relevant channel, and mention @all in the channel stating that the channel will be deleted soon and for members to download any content they want to keep. Wait at least 24 hours after mentioning @all before deleting the channel.

7.1. Default User Channels

  • #announcements
  • #policy
  • #the-courtyard-(read-room-description) (member is removed when onboarded)

7.2 Onboarding Channels

  • #introductions
  • #onboarding
  • #serious-for-onboarders
  • #troubleshooting

7.3. Suggested Channels

  • #arts-and-music
  • #children-irl
  • #gaming
  • #general
  • #map-talk
  • #map-talk-2
  • #map-talk-topics
  • #media
  • #miscellaneous
  • #miscellaneous-polls
  • #news
  • #OPSEC
  • #positivity
  • #proposals
  • #proposals-discussions
  • #proposals-polls (not in use on Matrix/Element)
  • #serious
  • #emotional-support-1
  • #emotional-support-2 (not in use on Matrix/Element)
  • #venting-(no-responses)

7.4. Public Opt-in Channels

  • #activism (not in use on Matrix/Element)
  • #contact-discussion
  • #cute-boys
  • #cute-girls
  • #cw-general
  • #development
  • #fantasy
  • #food
  • #life-experiences
  • #littles (not in use on Matrix/Element)
  • #muggle-town
  • #paraphilias
  • #planning (Matrix/Element-exclusive)
  • #skills-and-projects-sharing
  • #spam
  • #spirituality
  • #stem
  • #the-courtyard-(read-room-description)

7.4.1. Public Staff Channels

  • #staff
  • #staff-handbook
  • #staff-moderation
  • #staff-polls

7.5. Private Staff Channels

  • #private-feedback-log (not in use on Matrix/Element)
  • #private-moderation
  • #private-moderation-log
  • #private-onboard-list (not in use on Matrix/Element)
  • #private-onboarding-log
  • #private-server-log